Andrij Savchuk
2018 Lviv State Academy of Arts earned a Master's Degree in Decorative Arts with a concentration in Wood Sculpture.
Savchuk's work often employs optical illusions, playing with lines, shapes and colors to create a dynamic and visually compelling experience for the viewer. The interplay of color and shape in his art is more than aesthetic; it delves into the mind and engages the viewer in a transformative journey of visual exploration.
Savchuk's work often employs optical illusions, playing with lines, shapes and colors to create a dynamic and visually compelling experience for the viewer. The interplay of color and shape in his art is more than aesthetic; it delves into the mind and engages the viewer in a transformative journey of visual exploration.
work of art
Showing all 6 results
80*80cm Composite material Ukraine
137*183cm Composite material Ukraine
100*100cm Composite material Ukraine
100*100cm Composite material Ukraine
100*100cm Composite material Ukraine
100*100cm Composite material Ukraine