Daniel Arsham Daniel Arsham

Daniel Arsham makes installations and objects that evoke a kind of mythic contemporary archaeology. In a practice that spans film, painting, sculpture, and installation, the artist employs elements of architecture and performance, twisting recognizable forms (such as cereal boxes or classical sculpture) into corroded, calcified, or otherwise malfunctioning artifacts. Sometimes manipulating the gallery space himself to achieve his desired effect, Arsham attended the Cooper Union in New York and has exhibited in New York, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, Los Angeles, and London. His work is in the collections of the Yoshimi Museum, National Gallery of Victoria, Perez Art Museum Miami, and the Institute of Contemporary Art Miami. In addition to his fine art practice, Arsham has worked with a variety of brands including Adidas, Dior, and Porsche, and he served as Creative Director for the Cleveland Cavaliers.In 2008, Arsham co-founded Snarkitecture, an art and architecture collaborative, with Alex Mustonen.

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